Parent Teacher Conferences
Hello Parents,
Next week on March 5-6 we will be holding our Spring Parent Teacher Conferences. School will dismiss at 1:15 on both of these days. To sign up for a conference time, click on the teacher’s name below. We look forward to seeing you all next week.
BWS would like to invite all parents to sign up for an account with Binderly, a new program that the school will use to help share announcements and other school-related information. Binderly can be accessed both online and by a mobile app on your phone. Below is a link to Binderly’s website and a document with information about signing up and creating an account.
Now Hiring
We are now hiring for the following positions:
Substitute Teachers
If you are interested in any of these positions please visit the Kane County School District employment webpage for more information on how to apply.
2024-25 School Calendar
Apply for Free/Reduced Lunch
We encourage all parents to fill out a free/reduced lunch application. The application can be filled out online during registration. Those who prefer to fill out a paper application can pick one up from the school office.
Safe Route to School Map
Use the following link to access a map showing safe routes to school for students who walk to school.